Questions To Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Posted on: 20 June 2022

A personal injury lawyer is a good ally when pursuing a workplace injury case. The lawyer argues your case to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. The extract below proposes several questions to ask your compensation lawyer. Luckily, it will help you choose a suitable lawyer and help you comprehend the workplace injury compensation process. 

What Is Your Success Rate? 

The lawyer's success rate will help you determine if they are the right fit for your case. Check if the lawyer has successfully defended clients with similar cases. For instance, some workplace injury cases are complex. It is especially so if you develop a long-term illness due to poor working conditions. In this case, the lawyer must argue that your disease is caused by working conditions, not external factors. For instance, suppose you are a smoker who developed lung cancer due to exposure to dangerous substances at the workplace; your lawyer should have the skills to prove that your employer is liable for the injuries. 

Do the Injuries Qualify for Compensation? 

The presumption is that you qualify for compensation if you suffer an injury at the workplace. However, this is not always the case. If your injury does not qualify for compensation, your lawyer should inform you in advance. It helps you save legal fees and time. For instance, if the injury happened when committing a crime, it would be challenging to receive compensation. 

How Much Compensation Will You Claim? 

The lawyer should explain the rationale behind the claim. Typically, the lawyer examines the following:

  • What injuries did you suffer? The lawyer uses resources such as the injury severity score and previous court rulings to determine how much to claim for your injuries.
  • Do you need rehabilitation for the injuries? For instance, if you are a driver who lost an arm, you would need vocational training to gain new skills.
  • Did you lose property during the accident? It could be a designer watch or your expensive phone. The lawyer will ensure you are compensated for these losses.
  • Did you spend time away from work while injured? If you did, the lawyer seeks compensation for lost wages.  

How Much Do You Charge? 

Personal injury lawyers have different pricing arrangements. Nevertheless, negotiate for a no-win-no-fee agreement. Typically, the lawyer receives a percentage of the pay-out. Therefore, it is in their best interests to ensure you receive the highest possible compensation. If you do not receive compensation, you do not incur legal costs.  
